Communications Submission

For all parish and public communications, please use the provided form to ensure consistent messaging and informed community members. Upon submission, a professional flyer will be created and sent to you in a few days; please refrain from creating your own. Our communications staff and volunteers will handle flyer design to maintain branding consistency. Before making any announcements about events, donation drives, or activities, kindly inform the office and submit for full publication via the form.

All event RSVPs and sign-ups, unless private, should be on our website's new "Sign Ups" page. This streamlines access and eliminates the need to search through emails. For non-event sign-ups, like donation drives or Ministry of Caring support, feel free to use "Sign Up Genius" but include the link when submitting activity information so we can add it to the website. For all events, RSVP or tickets are handled for you.

Please promptly display flyers around the church or public areas unless flyers are not necessary. Note that the submission form is for new content only; updates to existing submissions can be emailed to

All submissions are proofread and edited for clarity and consistency. The publication deadline is two days in advance. See below for where your content will be published and a guide. |

Thank you for your steadfast cooperation!