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Worship & Eucharist
Sundays at 8:00 am & 10:00am
10am worship is live-streamed.
Thank you to our community for your support of our Youth and Outreach Ministries during our Harvest Fair this year

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Upcoming Activities & Events:
Click on the + sign for more details.
View our latest newsletter below:
Young Families:
children, youth & parents
Where are we? Use this interactive map or open it in your favorite map to be taken there now!
Need to announce something to the congregation? Click below
Now live-streaming on:

Fulfilling our Future After 125 years
You support is an important part of the future of our Church and we are grateful.
Or if you’re ready to give,
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm
Call ahead (617-698-1813), email (mail@stmichaelsmilton.org) or simply stop by.
Learn More About Us
Congregational worship is at the heart of the St. Michael’s community. Sunday Morning Worship is weekly at 8:00am in a more intimate gathering in our Memorial Chapel and 10:00am. Both services held in person as well as on Facebook Live, Zoom and in person. People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to be active participants in the service.
St. Michael’s believes in the advocacy of human rights worldwide and that God’s church can lead a new era of social change when we do work together. We have a variety of ways to help you get involved whether it’s in our local community of Milton or overseas. Click below to learn more
St. Michael’s believes that helping our children to help others is an important part of a child’s Christian education. We do this with projects, prayers and pennies. We welcome all children, youth and adults - where ever they are on their faith journey to take part in our Church School, Youth Group and Confirmation classes. Click below to learn more