Help Us Help the Community
Mission Statement
St. Michael's Outreach Mission is to engage with groups in our local and wider community by providing a variety of financial, in-kind and other volunteer assistance. The programs we support and the people we work with connect us to individuals, children, families and communities in need due to poverty, homelessness, discrimination and unforeseen natural disasters. In addition we support parishioners and others in crisis due to a family members' illness or death.
We are living the Gospel in all we provide and we are guided by our faith and shared community values.
Monday Lunch Program
Thank you to all who support Monday Lunch Program
St. Michael’s has hosted the Monday Lunch Program on the first Monday of each month for going on 30 years. Reach out to Jamie McKnight (617 699-8359 or cjmck@bu.edu) to contribute. St. Paul’s Cathedral in downtown Boston serves lunch to more than 100 homeless and needy guests. For more than 20 years, St. Michael’s has provided the meal the first Monday of each month. (Watch the Sunday bulletin for occasional dessert requests.) See Jamie McKnight’s MLP website for details.
Milton Community Food Pantry
During the pandemic, the Food Pantry has been distributing food to clients twice a month, usually the first and third Saturdays of the month, using two teams of volunteers. The open dates for 2022 are listed below. St. Michael’s is well-represented on Team 1 (usually the first Saturday of the month, unless it’s a holiday). If you have questions, please contact Natalie McKnight, njmck@bu.edu.
Team 1 Open Dates for 2024
Coming Soon
Bishop’s Summer Academic and Fun Enrichment (B-SAFE)
The Bishop’s Summer Academic and Fun Enrichment is a summer day camp for kids who live in Boston. The program serves more than 600 elementary and middle-school children and 125 teen counselors-in-training, and has a staff in eight locations in the Boston area. Four days a week, the youngsters attend morning academic programs followed by lunch, reading time, and afternoon field trips to parks or cultural institutions. Fridays, they take day-long field trips outside the city, usually to a farm, park, lake or beach.
B-SAFE partners with 52 Episcopal churches in the diocese and about 1,000 volunteers to provide lunches, field trips and other assistance. The children and teens come from the neighborhoods around the program sites – mostly Episcopal churches – and reflect those neighborhoods: often living in public housing in families receiving public services, attending under-performing public schools, sometimes coming from foster homes or involved with the court system.
St. Michael’s participates in the B-SAFE program thanks to parishioner donations. Donations cover the cost of lunches and field trip transportation during our church’s assigned camp week. Donations can be made online or via personal check. Checks should be addressed to “St. Michael’s Parish,” with “B-SAFE” in the memo/comment line.
For more information, contact the church office at (617) 698-1813 or by email here.
Hungry Sunday
Many people in Milton and surrounding towns are hungry every day of the week. To help our neighbors, St. Michael’s collects food every Sunday for St. Mary’s Church in Dorchester and the Milton Food Pantry. TheEpiphany School
Epiphany School is an Episcopal, tuition-free middle school for low-income children located at 154 Centre Street in Dorchester, adjacent to the Shawmut T station. Part of Epiphany’s mission is to serve dinner each school day to its 80 students in grades 5-8. St. Michael’s has committed to serve dinner the first Wednesday of the month.
We need: Volunteers to form meal teams of four or more people to set up, serve the meal, and clean up. (Note: Meals are provided “ready-to-serve.”) The time commitment is from 4 to 6:30pm Each team is headed by a coordinator from St. Michael’s who is the contact person for that meal. The sign-up sheet is on the upper parish hall bulletin board.