Here for the first time?

Parents & Grandparents
Kids & Teens
20 something and 30 somethings
Family Ministry is about the whole family. Our goal is to provide a powerful connective experience as we support each member of the family in their spiritual growth and relationships with Jesus. The Minister of Families partners with the Rector in advocating for the newest generations involvement in the local church and the universal Christ who gave his life out of love for all humankind. This happens in the pulpit during 4th Sundays where the Minister of Families preaches, Youth-Led Contemporary Worship, Young Family Nights and mission outings to the community.
Casual conversation with other parents at church and the Minister of Families about whatever is on your mind. Guardians (parents, grandparents, etc) share the joys and challenges of parenting and questions of faith they get from their kids or themselves with the Minister of Families. Everything shared is confidential, and your insights help shape Family Ministry and influence other aspects of the church to continue to support young families in this ever-changing society.
The Minister of Families preaches a young family-specific sermon monthly on the 4th Sunday. Topics include teen resilience, raising a Christian child, challenges of being a parent and much more.
The first step of the Christian journey beginning with newborns Sundays in the Church School Building. We focus on a movement and story-telling model of formation during Worship with kids returning for announcements and communion (10:00am - 10:40am).
Middle School aged kids may acolyte during the service or work on Faith in Action projects centered around serving the church and putting their faith into action. This group meets in the Youth Lounge at 10:00am.
Youth Group is for Middle and High Schoolers meeting in the newly built Youth Lounge, a room on their own level the youth fundraised fundraised for, painted and renovated themselves. The focus of this group is to strengthen bonding as a group while helping each youth identify themselves separately from the rest of the world by cultivating their relationships with Christ. These youth put their faith in action with service projects and community field trips.
A contemporary, music-centered worship service led by Youth Group and designed for teens - age 45. This happens during the regular worship 10:00am currently once a semester. There are no bulletins and no expectations. Words are projected on screen and a youth worship band led by the Family Minister leads.
Join us every other month starting Sunday September 29 from 5 - 6:30pm for dinner and games for all ages in the Upper Parish Hall. Themes for different holiday seasons.
The Rector leads Confirmation annually for all 9th graders with support from the Minister of Families. Utilizing Confirm not Conform, High School freshman are encouraged to take a serious dive into the faith of Jesus Christ and affirm their baptism. We strive hard to dispel the myth that Confirmation is the end of the youth's journey and instead focus on it being just the beginning.
How do you keep my children safe?
At St. Michael’s Milton, we are committed to safeguarding children from abuse and other risks. Volunteers must apply through the Minister of Families and be accompanied by at least one other unrelated, screened adult. Both adults are nationally and state-level vetted and monitored in real-time (the church alerted of any activity on a background check as it happens, as oppose to waiting for the next check). We also conduct social media, driving, and sex offender checks for each volunteer. For more details, you can review an abridged version of our comprehensive safe church policies or a full version.